Friday, October 20, 2006

Well, because I still can't figure out how to load a scanned picture onto this site, I have chosen this lovely music note/spider web clip art for your enjoyment! :)
A lot has been happening in the Scott household. Ben finally lost his first tooth and then his 2nd one came out about 2 weeks later! It was a momentous occasion as the tooth fairy made 2 trips to our house within 2 weeks! Seeing that big gap where his bottom two front teeth were just makes me realize how fast it all happens. He is just getting bigger every day. He loves pre-school and going to the public library is the event of the week each week.
Ian loves to watch "Bubby" play soccer. He has finally realized that he is big enough now to "wrestle" his big brother and sometimes even WIN! He's a toughy!
He took his first tumble down our stairs a week or so ago...nearly made my heart stop. He was fine though. Ben had already had 2 tumbles down those stairs so it wasn't quite the event that it had been with him...I had been through it before! HA!

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