Monday, November 06, 2006

"My Friends"

I got to hang out with two of my best friends from high school two weekends ago. Carri (on the left) and Amy (in the center). Amy is having twins (a boy and a girl) and her sisters and Mom gave her a baby shower. It was so great to see them both again. I believe it had been two years since I'd seen Amy and FIVE years since I'd seen Carri! Let's vow to NEVER let so much time pass again before getting together!!
It seems like only yesterday that we were all in high school together. Those were "the days"! Anyway, it was so great to see everyone together again and I just wanted to share a pic!


amy b. said...

hey there's us! hahahah. it was so good to see you guys. i wish it could have been longer. hey, first visit back that i make, we have to go to pizza shack! love you...

DHAYNES said...

Hey there ladies!!! Jenny, thanks for sending me the link to be part of your blog and catch up with you! You and your family are beautiful! I HAVE to get into this "blog" stuff. When I do, I'll be sure to send pics. Kim says "hi".

DHAYNES said...

Jenny, how did you post your photos? I can't seem to find that option anywhere.
