Thursday, August 02, 2007

"Terrific Tadpoles"

About six weeks ago we decided that it might be a fun idea to try and raise some tadpoles and watch them turn into cute little frogs. We started out with 7 tadpoles that we took out of my parent's neighbor's pond. Three of them died after about 2 weeks but the other 4 are going strong! I noticed the past couple of days that one of the tadpoles was starting to get his front legs. (They all have their back legs.) Then this morning I got so excited to see that we have one itty bitty real live frog!! It is about the size of a pinky finger nail. It still has it's tail but it has all four legs and was sitting like a real frog up on the big rock out of water. The boys are really enjoying watching them change and grow...

However, I must admit that I seem to get the most excited about seeing them change. It's just so cool! I still can't believe how they are changing from these little tadpoles into frogs. How cool is our God and His creations!!

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