Saturday, September 22, 2007

"Ben Turns 6!"

Ben turned 6 yrs. old on Sept. 19!
I can't believe how fast 6 years goes by.
As time passes, I can tell for sure that the first
born always holds a special place in a mom's heart.
I can still remember the first time I held him, the
first time he smiled at me, the first time he said
mama, and the first time he said "I love you, mommy".
There's just nothing in the world like it.
So here are the
"Top Ten Things that Ben has taught me"
10. I actually enjoy watching "Spongebob Squarepants"
and find myself laughing at it often.
9. A hug and a kiss really does make a boo-boo feel better.
8. Chocolate ice cream and chocolate milk should be considered
a food group.
7. The pain at the dentist or the doctor is always worth the prize
you get after it's over.
6. Digging for worms is a sport.
5. Wrestling with your brother is also a sport.
4. Going to the movies is all about getting SNACKS!
3. When you get new shoes, you can run faster.
2. Laughing together uncontrollably is good for your health
AND so much fun!
1.5. If you keep asking mom for another hug, she will keep coming
back into your room...delaying the "going to sleep" process.
1. Spending time with your family and playing together is the
most important thing in life.

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